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Dansehold (60 min)
Reggaetón | 429
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Reggaetón. Level: Improvers. Instructor: Jetson. Location: Hillerødgade Bad & Hal (spejlsalen)

There is no class during Easter holidays and Kr. Himmelfartsdag

***OBS: This class is paid by subscription payment. The price per month is 240 DKK. If you register after the 15th in a month, you only pay for a half month. You can also buy a trial or flexible class, if you are in the last week in the month, and wait to register. When you sign up, you commit yourself for at least 3 full months. After this you can unsubscribe with immediate effect by sending an email to info@elstudio.dk You are also very welcome to simply switch class to one our many other classes.

Torsdag 19:00-20:00 Hillerødgade Bad og Hal, Spejlsalen
Pris fra nu, indtil 01.02.2025.
120,00 kr.
Tilmelding kræver betaling af  Medlemskontingent 2025 | MK