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Dansehold (60 min)
Lady Mix & Heels | 350
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Lady Mix & Heels. Level: Open level. Instruktør: Maria.  Location: Kapelvej 44, 1st floor, 2200 KBH N 

This class is paid by subscription payment. The price per month is 240 DKK. If you register after the 15th in a month, you only pay for a half month. You can also buy a trial or flexible class, if you are in the last week in the month, and wait to register. When you sign up, you commit yourself for at least 3 full months. After this you can unsubscribe by sending an email at least 3 working days before the month ends to info@elstudio.dk You are also very welcome to simply switch class to one our many other classes.

Attention for unsubscribing: !! You need to send us an email if you want to sign out after the 3 months at least 3 working days before the month ends!

In the end of the period you are not automatically unsubscribed. You will continue in the next season and pay unless you have sent us an email.

Onsdag 19:10-20:10 Kapelvej 44, 1. sal (lokale 308)
Pris fra nu, indtil 01.10.2024.
120,00 kr.
Tilmelding kræver betaling af  Medlemskontingent 2024 | MK